
There are many well marked cycle paths, routes and networks across East Lothian allowing safe and enjoyable cycling for all abilities. Ordnance Survey maps – Landranger 66 and 67 will give you comprehensive information to help plan routes with paths and tourist sites clearly marked. Spokes, the Lothian cycle campaign, produces a clear and comprehensive cycle map of East Lothian which can be purchased online from

There are specific cycle tour maps that have planned routes to follow. Below are two, which feature recommended routes in East Lothian –

Cycling in Edinburgh & South East Scotland (Collins) 2001

  • Easy – Tranent and Pencaitland 24km (15miles)
  • Easy – Holyrood/Musselburgh/Portobello 25km (15.5m)
  • Moderate – Musselburgh to Haddington 53km (33m)
  • Moderate – North Berwick 61km (38m)
  • Moderate – Dalkeith, Gifford, Lammermuir Hills 64km (40m)
  • Strenuous – Dunbar to Haddington 55km (34m)

Cycle Tours around Edinburgh and the Scottish Borders (Philips) Nick Cotton 2002

  • Easy – Haddington to North Berwick 48km (30m)
  • Strenuous – Dunbar to the Lammermuir Hills 51km (32m)
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